The Pledge

School children should recite the Pledge Of Allegiance every morning before school.


This blog is an assignment for CMP 272 Winter B 2010 to allow students an opportunity to present a valid argument, generate feedback (pro & con), post responses, and practice moderating skills in a technological environment.

August 2003 Education Commission of the States

Why is there a problem with the Pledge Of Allegiance?

The Pledge Of Allegiance was first recited to honor the 400th Anniversy of Columbus Day. Francis Bellamy a Baptist minister who wrote the Pledge to say around the flag for the ceremony. They had the ceremony and salute in 1892.

The school kids all accross America said the pledge but did not have to. In 1943 there was a decision from the Superme Court that stated, "Schools could not require the students to recite the pledge if they didn't want to." Now these days, only half of the 50 states even say the pledge in public schools. (

The controversy over saying the Pledge has been going on for around nine to ten years now. The only reason there are people against the Pledge is because of the words "Under God" in it.

Barack Obama states, "It is doubtful that children reciting the Pledge of Allegiance feel oppressed or brainwashed as a consequence of muttering the phrase 'under God.' I didn't." Alberto Gonzalez, Attorney General of the United States stated, "For more than two hundred years, many of our expressions of national identity and patriotism have referenced God. The Supreme Court, which opens each session by saying 'God save the United States and this honorable Court,' has affirmed time and again that such official acknowledgments of our Nation's religious heritage, foundation, and character are constitutional."

Saying the Pledge is important to our veterans, our military men and women overseas fighting for our country. If people object to the words Under God then they should just skip saying that part, but not saying the pledge should never be prevented. The Pledge Of Allegiance should be said every morning before school.

Monday, March 22, 2010

the "PLEDGE"

This Country is founded on the beliefs of the "Pledge of Allegience". Yes, we all have freedom of speech in this great country and I believe we should have the choice to say what we want or in this case maybe not. It's unfortunate that this is even being debated in this day and age. We should be proud to say it in school, at sporting events, where-ever it is initiated for respect to our service people currently and past and future too. I will never feel that God's name has to be removed from the pledge and hopefully people will come to their senses.

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